Pony Of the Americas Club, Inc. — Official Breed Website

Types of POA Registration

Registration Types

Tentative Registration

  • For those ponies 56" and under, and five {5) years and younger.
  • Have one registered POA parent and one parent identified in the CPP program or registered with an approved crossbreeding registry.
    – The exception: ponies foaled in 1997 and before, who have a grade parent that is not identified in the CP Program (program eliminated 1/1/2004).
  • Have approved POA coat pattern, and POA characteristics. Pictures should be taken of both sides of the pony, of his face and rear. Photos of the pony's characteristics must also be submitted. It is the owner's advantage to send good, clear photographs. Self -­‐developing photos are not recommended. Subject to approval by the Registrar, use of quality digital photographs on photographic paper for use in registration is recommended. Photos larger than 4" x 6" are not acceptable.
  • Gray, roan, frost, snowflake and marbleized roan ponies must meet the following standards:
    – Mottled skin in at least one place: muzzle, eyes, anus or genital area.
    – Sclera and/or striped hooves.

Permanent Registration

  • Inspection can be done by a POAC recognized State or National Inspector, or licensed Veterinarian.
  • Must have a Tentative Registration Certificate, or have one registered POA parent identified in the CP Program (program eliminated 1/1/2004) or registered with an approved crossbreeding registry.
    – The exception: ponies foaled in 1997 and before, who have a grade parent that is not identified in the CP Program.
  • Are eligible for transfer consideration to Permanent registration at the beginning (January 1) of its sixth year.
  • Must have matured within the 46" to 56" height limits with acceptable POA coat pattern and POA characteristics.
  • Completed inspection form, fee, recent photographs, and tentative pedigree certificate must be sent to the POAC office by the inspector. It is the owner's advantage to send good clear photographs. Photos should be taken of both sides of the pony, of his face and rear. Photos of the pony's characteristics should also be submitted. Self-­‐developing photos are not recommended. Subject to approval by the Registrar, use of quality digital photographs on photographic paper for use in registration is recommended. Photos larger than 4" x 6" are not acceptable.
  • The transfer to Permanent must be done before January 1 of its seventh year (7th), or papers will be voided.
  • Is eligible to receive a Permanent Height Card.
  • Gray, roan, frost, snowflake, and marbleized roan ponies must meet the following standards:
    – Mottled skin in at least one place: muzzle, eyes, anus or genital area.
    – Encircling sclera and striped hooves.

ID Registration – Pink Papers

Ponies over height or under height when advanced from Tentative to Permanent are issued pink certificates.

  • Issued to ponies who have matured under 46" or over 56" {a pony should be transferred to ID pink papers when it goes over 56" regardless of age).
  • Are only to be used as breeding stock, are eligible to show at any POAC approved shows that offer ID POA classes and are eligible to receive Proven Producer Awards. Not eligible for POA sales unless approved by sale committee.
  • It is the owner's advantage to send good, clear photographs. Self-­‐developing photos are not recommended. Subject to approval by the Registrar, use of quality digital photographs on photographic paper for use in registration is recommended.

ID Registration – Blue Papers

Ponies lacking sufficient color for Tentative or Permanent registration are issued blue certificates.

  • Issued to foals born solid or ponies that have matured without sufficient POA coat color or POA characteristics for other registration.
  • Are only to be used as breeding stock, are eligible to show (See Rule 89) at any POAC approved shows that offer ID POA classes, and are eligible to receive Proven Producer Awards. Not eligible for POA sales unless approved by sale committee.
  • If visible approved POA coat pattern and POA characteristics develop, send signed application, recent pictures, ID pedigree certificate and fee to the POAC for the consideration of transfer into the regular POAC registry.
  • It is the owner's advantage to send good, clear photographs. Self-­‐developing photos are not recommended. Subject to approval by the Registrar, use of quality digital photographs on photographic paper for us in registration is recommended. Photos larger than 4" x 6" are not acceptable.

Hardship Registration for Ponies Without a Registered POA Parent

  • Must be two (2) years old or older to apply for hardship registration and meet age and height requirements.
  • Must pass required inspection by one to three National POA Inspectors. These inspectors shall be appointed at the discretion of the POAC CEO.
  • Please refer to the HYPP rules as they pertain to hardshipping.
  • Fees will be those listed in the fee schedule, plus regular registration fees.
  • All registry requirements and restrictions as set out for Tentative or Permanent registration must be satisfied, except the requirement of a registered POA parent.
  • Can be used for breeding (mares and stallions with a verifiable pedigree), showing at approved POAC shows, selling at POAC sales and qualify for any award. Send a copy of registration papers to POAC.
  • Roan, gray, frost, snowflake and marbleized roan ponies with clearly recognized POA coloration will be accepted under Hardship Registration providing they meet the following standards:
    – Mottled skin in at least one place: muzzle, eyes, anus or genital areas.
    – Encircling sclera and/or striped hooves.
    – The burden of proof that the pony is eligible for registration lies with the registration applicant.
  • No stallions of unknown breeding will be allowed to be hardshipped. Mares of unknown breeding will be accepted only as non-­‐breeding stock. This will take effect January 1, 2004. All existing hardships will be retained.
  • It is the owner's advantage to send good, clear photographs. Self-­‐developing photos are not recommended. Subject to approval by the Registrar, use of quality digital photographs on photographic paper for use in registration is recommended.

Ineligible Ponies

The following ponies are ineligible for registration.

  • Ponies with Pinto color or Pinto sire or dam.
  • Ponies with Paint color or Paint sire or dam.
  • Stallions or Mares who have excessive white markings on the legs or face with underlying light skin.
  • Ponies that exhibit any natural markings that have been altered by surgery, dye or other manner. Ponies with unnatural markings can be rejected from registration and the owner barred from the POAC.
    – Ponies that have unnatural markings as a result of accident or injury, the owner should notify the POAC of the circumstances of the accident or injury. If the pony meets all other requirements for registration, in addition to the unnatural ones, special approval based upon the Board of Directors' opinion of the circumstances can be considered.
  • Crypt-­‐orchid, mono-­‐orchid or high flanker stallions two (2) years or older, or offspring of known crypt-­‐orchid, mono orchid or high flanker stallions. Stallions having one of these faults must be gelded by their third (3rd) birthday or their papers will be voided. If the condition exists at age two (2), breeding certificates will not be honored for registration of any get until the stallion develops properly.
  • Parrot mouth or monkey mouth ponies having a full tooth or more over or under bite. Parrot mouth and monkey mouth is not allowed in or registry for breeding stock. An over bite or under bite is allowed; however, it is undesirable and if severe, the pony should not be used for breeding stock.
  • G. Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis (HYPP) -­‐ Designation effective for POAs born on or after January l, 2005. A muscular disease caused by a hereditary genetic defect that leads to an uncontrolled muscle twitching or profound muscle weakness, and in severe cases may lead to collapse and/or death. According to research, this condition exists in certain descendants of the stallion Impressive, AQHA #0767246.
    The following notification shall be placed on the POA's registration certificate known to descend from the stallion Impressive. "This foal has Impressive as an ancestor, known to carry the HYPP gene, designated under POAC rules as a genetic defect".
    –– When the parent(s) tracing from the HYPP line have tested negative {"N/N") for HYPP with an appropriate designation appearing on their registration certificate, the above notification is not required, and will instead, be substituted by the designation "N/N", upon request of the breeder.
    –– POA stallions and mares that are "N/N" have full breeding rights.
    – Mandatory HYPP testing is required for any POA known to have Impressive as an ancestor and the parent(s) carrying the Impressive bloodline has no HYPP designation on their registration certificate. All Hardship registered and CPO registered mares and stallions that were registered prior to 2004 must be tested. For any POA testing "N/H" or "H/H", all offspring must be tested.
    –– POAs requiring mandatory testing must also be parentage verified.
    – Mandatory HYPP testing is required for any POA known to have Impressive as an ancestor and the parent(s) carrying the Impressive bloodline has the designation "N/H" or "H/H" on their registration certificates.
    –– POAs requiring mandatory testing must also be parentage verified.
    – Any POA that tests homozygous positive for HYPP {"H/H"} will be denied registration with POAC.
    – Any POA that tests "N/H" may be allowed registration with the POAC. Also:
    –– POA stallions that are "N/H" must be gelded prior to being issued a registration certificate.
    –– POA mares that are "N/H" have no breeding rights.

Advancement to Permanent

All Tentative Registered POAs must be inspected and measured during their sixth year (6th) to determine eligibility for advancement to Permanent.

  • Tentative POAs seven (7) years of age that have not been advanced to Permanent are considered to have voided papers.
  • Ponies with expired papers have no privileges as a POA pony. The pony cannot show, be a registered parent, or be transferred to another owner.
  • Registration papers of POAs who have been voided due to lack of advancement become the property of the POAC and cannot be returned to the owner until brought up to date.


As a prerequisite to registration or change in registration classification, the POAC CEO or Registrar may require an inspection and/or examination of the subject pony, and prior to the inspection, the owner shall pay actual and necessary expenses for the inspection.

  • An inspection is required when transferring a Tentative Registered pony to Permanent, or if the initial registration is to be


  • Inspections are required for Hardship Registration, using one to three National Inspectors.
  • Individuals cannot inspect their own ponies.
  • Inspectors should immediately report every pony they turn down for registration to the POAC.
    – The inspector can refuse to measure a pony that he believes is unsound, has been conditioned, exhausted or prepared for measurement in such a way that this action could affect the accuracy of the measurement. If this should occur, the incident will be referred to the Executive Secretary and the Hearing Committee.
  • An inspection can be called for when color and characteristics are not visible from the pictures sent in for registration, etc. If a pony's registration status is protested, inspections may be made leading to reclassification as a result of over height, under height, lack of color, to correct an error or any irregularity on the original pedigree.


Pony of the Americas Club, Inc.
3828 South Emerson Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46203
Telephone:  317-788-0107
Fax: 317-788-8974