Service Auction to be held beginning at 6 pm CST
ContinueFebruary Board Of Directors Meeting, 8 am CST at Hotel Julien in Dubuque, IA.
ContinueSelect Sire Stallion Nominations are due November 1st
ContinueFall annual meeting is set for Wednesday, September 25th in Gordyville in Gifford, IL at 8am.
ContinueFInal payments for Select Sire and Yearling & Over are due Aug 18th. Visit the Futurity event page for more information.
ContinueOfficial patterns for the show. Some of the patterns were adjusted after the Program Book was sent to the printer, note that the patterns in the program book given at Congress might not match.
ContinueWe are excited to announce an opening for the position of Executive Director of the Pony Of the Americas Club, Inc. The POAC is the national organization for the POA breed, and we invite you to join us in working to grow our breed into the future. We offer an opportunity for you to develop your skills and knowledge to result in successful performance in the role of Executive Director. Although the POAC is smaller than some of the other breed organizations, our members are enthusiastic about our ponies!
ContinueBOD meeting7pm CST-Moving Forward-Congress-IT upgrade-Finance Committee