POA Membership and Friends:
The POAC Family is facing a great challenge at this time. Our primary concern is the health and safety of our staff, members, and participating families world-wide. Please know we are making decisions at this time that affect hundreds of people, but due to current circumstances with COVID-19, changes must be made for the good of all.
At this time, all POAC Approved Shows and Events are cancelled until at least May 4, 2020, but please know that this is an ongoing situation and this time frame may be extended at any time. We will do everything we can to allow show managers and judges to reschedule affected shows later in the year if possible. If you are not able to reschedule your affected shows with the National POAC once the outbreak guidelines by the Center of Disease Control has been lifted, you will be issued a refund for your show approval fees.
At this time, the East World, West World, National Congress, and National Futurity and Sale are still running as scheduled, but we will continue to monitor the situation and follow the guidance of the CDC as well as the localities hosting these national events. In addition, the National POAC will not be awarding National Year End Awards for 2020 due to the limited show schedule.
I know this causes hardships on everyone but we will get through this. If you have any questions regarding show cancellations, check the Upcoming Events section on the POA National Website, www.poac.org, or call the National Office at 317-788-0107. Stay safe, follow the guidelines from the CDC and your local emergency management teams, and reach out to your POA family if you need anything during this fluid situation.
Thank you.
Joyse Banister/POAC/CEO & POAC Executive Committee